
It’s a new day

After a really long weekend, Fiz and all of his stuff have finally gotten settled in at his new home at Hunters Brook Farm.  At Hunters Brook, many things are going to be different from his old home.  Instead of being out on pasture 24/7, only getting fed hay in the mornings in winter, and not having an option of being inside, there are many new amenities we will enjoy at the new farm.  Fiz will be fed as much hay as he wants to eat, he will be fed grain twice daily, he will be inside in a stall during bad weather, he will be outside as much as possible when the weather is nice enough, and he will enjoy working in an indoor arena as well as outdoor.  He will have complete full care, and he deserves it.

He will also be surrounded by many other animals that he did not get to see at the old farm.  There are chickens running all around the farm.  There are also goats, cows, and mini horses.  He seems most interested in the chickens and the goats.  Once the farm owners see his personality, they will decide who they should try and turn him out with.  Hopefully he will find some friends on the farm. I am sure there is at least one horse on the farm that he can get along well with.  He needs interaction with other horses, and it will be very good for him once a good match is made!

We are very happy about our decision and look forward to spending more time at the new place.  So far we have been very pleased with them.  They purchased the hay we bought at the old place, and they let us bring our cabinet full of Fiz’s stuff (bridles, saddles, harnesses, and equipment) and our jog cart to the farm.  We are grateful for the new farm and are happy we found such a nice place for our boy to live.  We are very happy he is getting the daily attention and care that he is very much deserving of and we are looking forward to seeing if and how this type of care will change his appearance and demeanor.  I am sure there will be plenty of pictures in the future of him at his new home.

It’s a new day, a new adventure, and a fresh start.  Again.  It’s a good thing.  🙂

Here are some pictures of Fizzy at his new home!

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